Lola Korneevets | Animal Rights Activist

Lola Korneevets
Lola Korneevets
3 years ago
Lola Korneevets works as a Registered Agent at Sage New Media located in California, USA. She loves animals and works as an Animal rights activist. Her main motive is to protect the animals from testing and abusing. She believes that animals deserve to live like humans, free and happy.
Animal rights activists are those who fight for animal rights for those who are afraid of being mistreated, exploited, or exterminated. Activists are working to ensure that animals are properly cared for, treated, and respected and to raise public awareness of animal exploitation and abuse. Animal rights activists are individuals who volunteer for organizations or are paid employees of organizations. Animal rights activists do not believe that animals should be used for work, nor do they believe that breeding or displaying animals in zoos or nature reserves is a form of exploitation. They also do not believe that animals of any kind should ever be used in research, at sporting events, in entertainment facilities, or for food.
Animal rights activists often push for legislative action to advance their agenda, and in some cases, such action can have drastic consequences not only for livestock farming but also for animal welfare.
