Character: "Solid Snake" / "Old Snake" / David
Chapter 2: Solid Sun Part 6
Escaping from all those Geckos, and showcase of Raiden turning from a whiny kid back in MGS2 to a badass robot ninja. For once, Snake has a ninja sidekick from the start rather than an enemy (Grey Fox in MGS1 throughout the game & Olga in MGS2 beginning to mid-end of the game).
Chapter 2: Solid Sun Part 6
Escaping from all those Geckos, and showcase of Raiden turning from a whiny kid back in MGS2 to a badass robot ninja. For once, Snake has a ninja sidekick from the start rather than an enemy (Grey Fox in MGS1 throughout the game & Olga in MGS2 beginning to mid-end of the game).