• 4 years ago
[Lauren](https://www.tiktok.com/@weatherwithlauren?_d=secCgYIASAHKAESMgowLtDEHEFWqBzELpL7BEA6LMnRJkUsjK8meT6oEjMYyZZb0uoyqvynF2yF4gOcNCgBGgA%3D&language=en&preview_pb=0&sec_user_id=MS4wLjABAAAAkwZpq0exvgSAs7Af7OWUjURtxTe06MILoxHb6gp5nZGEnQP8og-vtWQRE98lPqWg&share_item_id=6938104075632381189&share_link_id=D12C5E12-88C6-4165-8486-DE7C41A4AD0B&source=h5_m×tamp=1619050919&tt_from=copy&u_code=d0abj3dkc4el94&user_id=6562490998512074757&utm_campaign=client_share&utm_medium=ios&utm_source=copy&_r=1) is a woman on a mission. What's her mission, you might ask? Convincing her therapist to get a therapy cow! You've probably heard of animal therapy before, but if you're thinking what we're thinking, cow therapy is a new one.

After making a 20-page presentation, decorating her therapist's office with tiny toy cows and launching a full-on TikTok campaign — Lauren's hard work paid off when her therapist got in touch with a local farm to make her cow therapy dreams come true. We must say, we're impressed by Lauren's level of determination...and don't even get us started on those adorable cows!


