• 4 years ago
ROGUE HOSTAGE Movie (2021) Trailer - Plot Synopsis: Rogue Hostage follows single father and former Marine Kyle Snowden (Tyrese Gibson), who is struggling to adjust to life with PTSD. On a routine stop for his job in Child Protective Services, Kyle finds himself and a group of innocent customers trapped inside his stepfather’s store during a hostile take-over by militant maniac Eagan Raize. Disturbing details emerge about Eagan’s violent vendetta against Kyle’s stepfather, Congressman Sam Nelson (John Malkovich), threatening the lives of everyone inside, including the Congressman and Kyle’s young daughter. In a race against time, Kyle must battle against the terrorists as well as his personal demons to secure the store and save everyone.

Starring: Tyrese Gibson, John Malkovich, Holly Taylor
Directed by: Jon Keeyes
Girls5eva - The Cast Builds Their Dream Girl Groups - Who would Sara Bareilles, Renée Elise Goldsberry, Busy Philipps, Paula Pell, and Ashley Park recruit in their ultimate girl groups? Will they be fighting over Britney Spears, Whitney Houston, or Aretha Franklin? Watch along to see who the cast of Girls5eva chose, and comment down below with your picks!

Synopsis: When a one-hit-wonder girl group from the 90’s gets sampled by a young rapper, its members reunite to give their pop star dreams one more shot. They may be grown women balancing spouses, kids, jobs, debt, aging parents, and shoulder pain, but can‘t they also be Girls5eva? Grammy Award-winning recording artist, Emmy nominee and Broadway actress Sara Bareilles ("Jesus Christ Superstar Live in Concert") stars along with Grammy and Tony Award-winning actress and singer Renée Elise Goldsberry ("Hamilton"). Meredith Scardino serves as creator and executive producer for the series. Tina Fey ("30 Rock"), Robert Carlock , Jeff Richmond, David Miner, Eric Gurian will also serve as executive producers.

Girls5eva is streaming on Peacock May 6.
