• 4 years ago
Via the Pope’s Worldwide Prayer Network (Apostleship of Prayer):

Today, when we hear talk of finances, we often feel as if it’s a subject very distant from our day-to-day life. As Francis says, “How far the world of high finance is from the life of the majority of people!” It doesn’t have to be this way. There are ways of bringing the world of high finance closer to ordinary people and, above all, of putting it at the service of all people, not just a small number of speculators. This is what the Pope reminds us about this month: “We still have time to begin a process of global change to practice a different kind of economy, one that is more just, more inclusive and sustainable —and leaves no one behind.” We can all contribute, to a greater or lesser degree, to make this global change possible. Share this petition of the Pope that financial speculation be regulated and high finance serve the common good.


“The true economy, the one that creates work, is in crisis. How many people are now unemployed! — But the financial markets have never been as inflated as they are now.
How far away is the world of high finance from the lives of ordinary people!
If finance is unregulated, it becomes pure speculation driven by various monetary policies.

This situation is unsustainable. And it is dangerous.
So that the poor do not suffer painful consequences from this system, financial speculation must be carefully regulated.
Speculation. I want to underline that term.
May finance be a form of service, and an instrument to serve the people, and to care for our common home!
We still have time to begin a process of global change to practice a different kind of economy, one that is more just, more inclusive and sustainable —and leaves no one behind.
We can do this! And let us pray that those in charge of finance will work with governments to regulate financial markets and protect citizens from its dangers.”

If you want to see more videos and other content about the Pope's intentions, you can find them at https://www.thepopevideo.org/