• 3 years ago
00:00​ - 00:12​ - Introduction
00:12​ - 00:46​ - Production will be Sooner than exspected!
00:46​ - 01:09​ - New Design
01:09​ - 02:01​ - A Little Bit Shorter and Narrower
02:01​ - 02:40​ - A Midgate Has Been Added
02:40​ - 03:42​ - It Has No Door Handles
03:42​ - 05:28​ - Which Features Remain?
05:28​ - 06:26​ - The Design is Set...
06:26​ - 08:08​ - Why The Cybertruck Is Actually Pretty Cheap!
08:08​ - 08:50​ - Why you need the Cybertruck

Ever since Elon Musk unveiled the Cybertruck there have been many rumors about what to expect from it and when to expect it; let’s discuss what we should expect when we get a final update before it's possibly imminent release from Tesla.

It turns out the Cyberruck may be in production as soon as June of this year! Tesla has been preparing its pilot production line at its factory in Giga, Texas, and is training its human staff to work with the robotic elements. That means we could see Cybertrucks for sale before 2022! There is still a lot that isn’t known about the Cybertruck, however, but a lot has leaked out and will most likely be confirmed by a final update from Musk and Tesla sometime before the Cybertruck is officially, “On the market,” for consumers.

The Cybertruck was first unveiled in 2019 and garnered a wide range of responses. Some were fascinated by its unique look and others were concerned if it would be effective as a pick-up. Since it was first seen there have been changes made to the Cybertruck based on information that has emerged officially from Tesla as well as assorted leaks.

One thing that was changed is the Cybertruck had its size altered from being absolutely huge to a bit more accessible for houses that may have smaller garages. It seems it was shrunk six inches shorter and an inch narrower. It’s nothing too big, but enough to help make it a bit more trim and tight. This redesign isn’t just for garages though. Europe is an important market and those European streets and roadways can be tight in certain cities. A slightly more compact Cybertruck makes the difference between cruising through those old European cities and possibly getting stuck in an alley! Don’t take this to mean the Cybertruck will be, “Small,” by any means. It will still be an impressive and sizeable machine capable of carrying big loads as it is at its heart a pickup truck, albeit a highly advanced and technologically superior one!

The Cybertruck wasn’t unveiled with a midgate but had been said to be an idea, “Worth considering,” by Musk as long as it didn’t change the truck’s styling too much. A midgate is a panel at the cab of a truck that can be folded to make more space but can bring with it security concerns. To address this Musk has actually said he’s thought about adding a, “Zapper,” to a truck. Whether this, “Zapper,” would outright be a taser that shocks anyone who tries to steal a Cybertruck or something a little less shocking would remain to be seen. This may be more of a theoretical feature as oppos
