• 4 years ago
Alexei Navalny’s hunger strike has prompted widespread international support. Vladimir Putin has warned that any country meddling in Russia’s affairs will “regret their actions”. How should the West respond to a tyrant like Putin?

00:00 - What’s happening in Russia?
00:54 - What does Navalny represent for Russia?
01:36 - How should America respond?
03:08 - Do sanctions work?
05:30 - Why were troops sent to the Ukranian border?
07:20 - What if Russia tries to annex more of Ukraine?

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Read more of our coverage on Europe: https://econ.st/3njAxSA

Why Alexei Navalny is still Putin’s nemesis: https://econ.st/3ndpavn

Read the open letter published in The Economist demanding medical care for Alexei Navalny: https://econ.st/3neaITE

Thousands of Russians protest against Alexei Navalny’s imprisonment: https://econ.st/3dIP7zI

The Kremlin’s criticism of Alexei Navalny is making him more popular: https://econ.st/3nfi49E

How Russia’s regime is weakened by putting Alexei Navalny in jail: https://econ.st/3ncM0TX

Why is tension rising in Ukraine? https://econ.st/3gwWn3x

Listen to an episode of “The Intelligence” podcast about Russian troops on the Ukrainian border: https://econ.st/32Ri8Dj

Russia faces blowback over its intelligence agents’ actions across Europe: https://econ.st/3dJpvmu

How the Kremlin outwitted Amnesty International: https://econ.st/3sLnEBC

What does Russia's departure from the Open Skies treaty mean for arms control? https://econ.st/3tMkajU

How Putin and Erdogan have formed a brotherhood of hard power: https://econ.st/3ngLNyN


