5 Quote Shakespeare Romeo and Juliet: Act 3 Scene 3

  • 3 years ago
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Breakdown of Romeo and Juliet Act 3 Scene 3

Nutshell Summary:
- Hiding at Friar Lawrence’s cell, Romeo hears that he is banished from Verona.
- Romeo’s worst characteristics are revealed as he bewails his fate and tries to kill himself. Mirror of Juliet.
- Friar Lawrence chastises Romeo for his lack of fortitude and gratitude and calmly presents a way forward.
- The Nurse arrives and they all arrange to unite the newlyweds.

Themes Discussed:
(For more detailed discussion of THEME in Romeo and Juliet see https://dai.ly/x80qt0r)

- T5 Sacred Marriage: Union of opposites, 2 in 1
- T7 Youth vs Age: Youth incapable of thinking logically; clear thinking vs hysterical feeling
- T7 Foolish, narcissistic, solipsistic youth: I’m the only one who understands love!
- T8 Dualism: Youth incapable of considering complexities (all or nothing thinking)
- T1 Worthy Hero or whiny narcissist? How would Benvolio behave?

Characters Discussed:
(For more detailed discussion of CHARACTER in Romeo and Juliet see https://dai.ly/x80pud8)

- C1 Romeo: Adolescent, emotional
- C1/6 Romeo and Juliet: Adolescent, emotional; union, 2 in 1, sacred marriage, parallel characters
- C10 Nurse: Simple, direct, honest, wise
- C5 Friar Lawrence: Wise, rational, perspective

This video on Shakespeare’s LANGUAGE might also help: https://dai.ly/x80qtdh

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— Prepare for GCSE, A-Level, IB, and AP evaluation
— Prepare for general quizzes and exams
— Generate ideas for analysis essays
— Participate knowledgeably in class discussions
