• 4 years ago
本片云南省楚雄彝族自治州人民政府州长迟中华带领大家一起走进楚雄彝族自治州,楚雄,是中国的彝乡被誉为滇中翡翠,红火楚雄。楚雄,是一座 “太阳”之城。

This film is led by Chi Zhonghua, governor of the people's Government of Chuxiong Yi Autonomous Prefecture in Yunnan Province, leads us into Chuxiong Yi Autonomous Prefecture,It gives me special pleasure to brief you on my home
place.Chuxiong, hometown of the Yi people in China,is renowned as a jadeite in central Yunnan and a flourishing place.Chuxiong is also known as the city of the sun.


