Son Disguises Himself as Restaurant Server and Surprises his Mom on her Birthday

  • 3 years ago
This woman was celebrating her 89th birthday with her family in a restaurant. Her son disguised himself as a server and talked about the menu extensively. He had not met her in over two years and revealed his identity eventually. They had an emotional reunion and hugged each other lovingly.


00:03 >> How are you? >> Good, you good?
00:05 >> Yep. >> You good?
00:06 >> Good. >> Have you been to Corral before?
00:08 >> Quite a while, it's been a while.
00:12 >> Never been here.
00:14 >> Yeah, he's never been here.
00:15 >> First time?
00:16 >> Yeah.
00:17 >> My name is Paulo, I'm from Brazil, in Sao Paulo.
00:20 I want to ask you something.
00:22 Are you here for a special occasion or are you just dining for the first time?
00:26 >> It's my mother's 89th birthday.
00:28 >> 89, go.
00:30 >> Make sure you tell her she doesn't look good.
00:32 Make sure you tell her she doesn't look good.
00:34 >> Bravo.
00:35 >> You don't look 45.
00:37 >> She don't try to say that.
00:39 >> No, I wanna tell you about the special tonight, very good special.
00:44 And by the way, I just started, it's my first time alone, okay?
00:48 >> Are you kidding me?
00:49 >> No, my first time.
00:50 So I tell you, tonight we have, and this is the soup, I start with the soup.
00:56 It's a llama orange citrus with a lobster bisque with a green onion and
01:02 a rare slave oyster from Ireland of Maui.
01:07 >> [LAUGH] What is it?
01:09 Llama soup?
01:10 Did you say llama soup?
01:12 >> Orange citrus lobster bisque.
01:15 Lobster bisque.
01:18 We have a scallopini sardini tonight with a sardine, a white wine.
01:23 >> Sardines, I ain't heard of that.
01:24 >> [LAUGH] >> It's a better spread.
01:28 It's a white wine, it's a black bean.
01:31 It's with a caper, breadcrumbs, and a side of french fries.
01:34 We also have, this is my favorite, the rack of lamb shank.
01:40 It is from New Zealand, and it is the left leg of the lamb, an albino wild lamb.
01:48 And it come with a choice of a soup or a salad.
01:51 The white albino lamb.
01:54 And you're 89 today?
01:56 You're 89 today?
01:58 >> 89 today.
02:00 >> 89, today is your birthday.
02:02 >> Today, all day.
02:04 >> Okay, these are your children?
02:06 >> This is my daughter and her husband.
02:08 >> And also, any other children?
02:13 >> Yeah, I got a whole bunch of new ones.
02:15 >> Okay, who do you have?
02:16 >> I have four boys and one- >> Four boys?
02:20 Tell me about your boys.
02:21 >> What do you want to know about them?
02:24 >> I want to know, why aren't they here?
02:26 >> One is in California.
02:29 >> California, that's a long way away.
02:30 >> [LAUGH] >> One is in Georgia.
02:33 >> Georgia, that's a long way away too.
02:38 But California is- >> One is in New York.
02:40 >> In New York, okay.
02:41 >> And one is here in Florida.
02:44 >> And in- >> And my daughter is here.
02:46 >> Congratulations, 80, 90 year old today.
02:49 >> 80.
02:50 >> Bravo, bravo, bravo.
02:51 >> 89.
02:52 >> 89, 89 year old today.
02:55 But you know the- >> You're so nice,
02:57 I want to come here on my 90th birthday.
02:59 >> Well, beautiful, beautiful.
03:00 And you know, I go to California every now and then.
03:02 >> Do you?
03:03 >> It's a long flight, and it's a beautiful wind, and beautiful beaches.
03:07 And it's a- >> I've been there,
03:08 you don't have to tell me.
03:10 >> You have?
03:10 Several times, okay, beautiful.
03:11 >> I want to see my son.
03:13 >> Lovely, where's your son?
03:14 >> San Diego.
03:15 >> San Diego, where's that?
03:16 >> In California.
03:18 >> California, so I've- >> Southern California.
03:21 >> I've been in the Napa Valley.
03:23 I've been to, what do they call it, Los Angeles.
03:29 And also, I've been up north in the tree, where they have the big tree.
03:34 >> Yeah, I got a picture of that.
03:36 >> The tree.
03:36 So let me finish with my special.
03:39 >> What tree?
03:40 >> The tree, the big squashy tree, the red.
03:42 >> The red, okay.
03:43 >> The red tree.
03:47 >> Okay.
03:48 >> The red tree.
03:48 >> Okay.
03:49 >> [LAUGH]
03:51 >> Like I said, my first time in Little Earth.
03:53 So we also have 62 ounces of seaweed salad.
03:58 They come with your choice of seaweed, the Manitou Banzou sauce, and
04:02 also, of course, the pepperon and the Parmesan cheese.
04:10 >> Mira, I live here and I train and I train and I train, and
04:14 they tell me pronunciation is the key.
04:17 >> Yeah.
04:19 >> Chicken breast, we have a chicken breast of the grass fed,
04:23 bold chicken covered with dried fig root.
04:27 It comes with a turnip salad.
04:29 >> [LAUGH]
04:31 >> Fig, fig, fig root.
04:34 The fig, the fig grows down into the root, into the-
04:37 >> Fig root.
04:39 >> That sounds good.
04:41 >> That sounds good, all right.
04:43 On the pasta.
04:44 >> You want it throughout the day, right?
04:45 >> Mira, Mira, Mira.
04:46 >> Yeah, okay.
04:47 >> Pasta, the breast of a grass fed bold chicken,
04:50 covered with a dried fig root.
04:54 I did the chicken, the pasta, the pasta, sorry, the pasta's up next.
04:57 This is beautiful, the pasta.
05:00 Are you Italian?
05:01 >> I'm Italian, my father was born in Italy.
05:05 >> Where in Italy?
05:05 [MUSIC]
05:09 Napolitan?
05:11 You look like a Napolitan.
05:13 Naples?
05:13 >> No, near there, yeah.
05:16 >> Near there, okay, bravo.
05:17 The pasta, we got a linguine, it's a flash of fried in a coconut and
05:22 motor oil, and topped off.
05:24 >> [LAUGH]
05:29 >> Go ahead, honey.
05:30 David, what's your name?
05:32 >> Paulo.
05:33 Paulo from Brazil.
05:36 >> Paulo.
05:37 >> Paulo.
05:38 Pasta linguine, it's a flash of fried, and it's in a coconut and motor oil.
05:42 >> I'm not seeing any of this stuff.
05:43 >> Motor oil?
05:44 >> It's a special, it's a special.
05:47 It's a fried in a coconut motor oil.
05:49 >> Motor oil?
05:51 >> And topped off with a fresh cage, the fried trout.
05:54 >> What weight would that oil be?
05:56 >> It's a coconut, it's a coconut motor.
05:58 >> Coconut oil.
05:59 >> Coconut oil.
06:00 >> I thought you meant like a motor, you said motor oil.
06:02 >> And it's a cage, I did, it's a cage of fried, the fried trout.
06:09 >> [LAUGH]
06:11 >> Also-
06:11 >> Are you reading this?
06:13 >> This is the special, the soup, the soup.
06:15 >> Look, isn't that cute?
06:16 It's got all.
06:17 [LAUGH]
06:19 >> Okay, let's go now.
06:22 >> Okay.
06:23 >> Birthday girl first.
06:25 >> I haven't looked at it yet.
06:26 >> You don't know what you want?
06:27 >> No.
06:28 >> What about you, so you have any idea?
06:30 >> No. >> What do you want?
06:31 Any idea? I'm gonna walk away for a minute, okay?
06:32 You guys figure it out.
06:33 >> No, wait a minute, who?
06:35 >> Who?
06:36 >> Who?
06:37 >> Paulo.
06:38 >> Brazilian?
06:39 >> Paulo, Paulo.
06:39 >> I would like a glass of wine to start off.
06:41 >> Okay, what kind?
06:43 >> Sangria.
06:46 >> Sangria, I see if we have sangria.
06:48 [LAUGH]
06:52 >> Unfortunately, bad news, no wine.
06:56 No vino.
06:59 >> No wine at all?
07:00 >> Vino out, go.
07:01 So, sold out.
07:04 Sold out.
07:04 Let me check out the sangria one more time.
07:07 >> I don't know.
07:08 >> How is everything over here, guys?
07:10 >> Good.
07:11 >> Okay, awesome, how is your server?
07:12 >> [LAUGH]
07:15 >> He's funny.
07:16 >> He's funny, okay, great.
07:18 As long as that's like, he just started working here, so he's a little new.
07:22 So I was just double checking on you guys.
07:25 >> Thank you.
07:25 >> No problem.
07:26 >> [LAUGH]
07:31 >> Okay, uh-oh.
07:32 >> All right.
07:33 >> Sangria, no problem, no problem.
07:35 >> Really?
07:36 >> Sangria, no problem.
07:38 >> Okay.
07:39 >> Sinoa.
07:40 >> In Minnesota?
07:40 >> Graffia.
07:41 >> Okay.
07:42 >> Cinerita. >> Water.
07:43 >> Just the water?
07:44 >> We'll have it.
07:45 >> A la mode.
07:46 Okay, do we know anyone for an appetizer?
07:49 Maybe the soup?
07:50 The soup, again, it's a lorman orange and citrus, a lobster bisque with a green
07:53 onion, and the red slave oysters from the island of Maui.
07:57 >> No, I don't want an appetizer.
08:01 You want an appetizer?
08:02 >> A salad, an appetizer?
08:04 >> I believe it.
08:05 >> They have a match.
08:06 >> I can't eat.
08:08 >> Don't you have a senior match?
08:11 Right there, big letters, same green.
08:13 >> They have, they have that.
08:14 >> [LAUGH] >> I see that.
08:17 >> I just, ma'am, I just started.
08:20 >> You're doing very well.
08:21 >> Thank you.
08:21 Do you know what you want?
08:24 >> No.
08:25 >> Do you know what you want?
08:26 >> [LAUGH]
08:29 >> Nothing, okay.
08:30 >> I'm feeling a bit confused.
08:32 >> Well, we got it, like I said, it's a 60 ounce seaweed, the salad.
08:37 Come with a choice of the seaweed, the manatee ponzu, and
08:40 also the pepperoni, parmesan, and cheese.
08:43 That's very beautiful, beautiful.
08:46 >> What's beautiful?
08:47 >> What's beautiful?
08:48 The pepper, what did you say?
08:50 The pepperoni, cheese, whatever.
08:51 [LAUGH] >> The 60 ounce of seaweed salad.
08:55 >> You don't want a salad or anything, ma'am?
08:59 This is, it looks like your side salad comes with one of the meals, so.
09:03 >> Oh, it does?
09:04 >> Mm-hm.
09:04 >> What's that?
09:06 >> Here?
09:07 >> Yeah, that's a no, no, we have none of that.
09:10 That's a sold out.
09:11 >> What do you mean?
09:13 >> This section right here, this whole, it's a sold out, COVID.
09:21 It's a sold out.
09:21 >> COVID.
09:22 [LAUGH]
09:23 >> This, the egg of planet parmesan,
09:27 the egg of planet parmesan, the egg of planet, the egg of planet parmesan.
09:31 >> [LAUGH]
09:32 >> That's the best birthday present I've had,
09:34 I've had for you for- >> [LAUGH]
09:37 >> Congrats, congrats,
09:38 congrats.
09:39 Egg of planet parmesan.
09:40 >> My God.
09:42 >> Egg of planet parmesan.
09:43 >> [LAUGH]
09:45 >> I like that.
09:46 >> Okay, egg of planet, we got a one, egg of planet parmesan.
09:48 >> I like a two.
09:49 >> Two.
09:50 >> Three.
09:50 >> One, three, egg of planet parmesan.
09:53 >> Okay.
09:53 >> Good, good, good.
09:58 Bravo.
09:58 [MUSIC]
10:04 >> Mama's here.
10:07 >> Mom.
10:07 Hello?
10:12 Yeah, I'm over here, I'm taking her to dinner now.
10:16 Okay, yeah, okay.
10:19 Joey, he wants the same idea.
10:22 >> Hi, son.
10:24 >> Hi, mom.
10:24 >> Hi.
10:26 >> [LAUGH]
10:34 >> Happy birthday, mom.
10:35 >> [LAUGH]
10:42 >> Did you get it?
10:43 >> [LAUGH]
