Wildlife Trade in Wuhan Most 'Likely' Pathway for COVID Transfer To Humans, WHO Reports

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3 years ago
Wildlife Trade in Wuhan Most 'Likely' , Pathway For COVID Transfer To Humans, , WHO Reports.
The World Health Organization (WHO)
is expected to release its report about the
origins of the coronavirus in humans on Tuesday.
According to one of the researchers,
the report is made up of "multiple hundred pages,
with lots of data, lots of new facts and information.".
The massive Huanan Seafood Wholesale Market
is thought to be at the center of how the virus
jumped from animals into humans.
In addition to seafood, WHO investigators
discovered that "wildlife and wildlife products,
whole carcasses of animals and live animals
of different types" were sold at the market.
So there was definitely a pathway that takes animals coming into that market from all over China, including the places where the nearest relatives of SARS-CoV-2 have been found in bats, Peter Daszak, WHO Team, via CNN.
What we found, I think, is pretty important evidence of a way the virus could have emerged from rural China into a big city like Wuhan and led to
an outbreak, Peter Daszak, WHO Team, via CNN.
We considered this likely to very likely, as a way that this virus would have emerged, Peter Daszak, WHO Team, via CNN.
The WHO report has been controversial
from the start, receiving criticism from officials
in Beijing for possible politicization.
The global science community has also questioned the independence of the study
