Deal With Your Friend Who Is Being Jealous of Your Other Friends

  • 3 years ago
How to Deal With Your Friend Who Is Being Jealous of Your Other Friends

This video is entirely opinion based and the methods described are for educational reference only.

The SUPER STAR Method to Deal With Your Friend Who Is Being Jealous of Your Other Friends, What to do when your friend is jealous of your other friends, What are the signs of jealous friends, Why do I get jealous of other people's friendships, deal with someone else's jealousy

Its natural to have a number of friends in your life. If your friends all get along well thats great. But sometimes friends dont get along which can be difficult if you feel stuck in the middle. When one friend becomes jealous of your other friends it can take a serious toll on your relationship. But with a little effort and planning you can make this better. Invite your friend to join the group. This might feelif your friend has made occasions with your other friends uncomfortable in the past. However stay positive. If your friend knows theyre wanted in a situation they may be less likely to act out of jealousy.

Help boost your friends confidence. Jealousy is usually a sign that someone feels insecure. Helping your friend build self esteem may help some of their jealous feelings subside.

Let them know theres no need to feel threatened. A friend who is jealous of your other friends may think that your other friends are more valuable to you. Let your friend know that youre not planning to replace them with other friends.

Choose an activity that will be comfortable for them. If you truly want to include your friend make sure you invite them to do something that they would enjoy. Otherwise you could end up fueling their feelings of insecurity and jealousy.

Be yourself when combining friend groups. If you havent spent much time with your one friend and the rest of your friends together you might feel a little uncomfortable at first. Stay true to yourself. Dont worry about how your friends may expect you to behave.

Remind your friend that you value them and your other friends. The great thing about friendship is that you can have multiple friends. Let your friend know that its important to you to have friendships that dont threaten each other.Help boost your friend's confidence
Six Signs Your Friend Is Jealous
Jealousy is more about what you feel you are lacking, than what anybody else has

This video contains a digital rendering of a celebrity personalities likeness and voice for comedic and satirical value. The opinions and information expressed in this video are not representative of those of the actual celebrity personality. No affiliation exists between the celebrity personality and the producer of this video.
