Full version The Jesus Christ Cypher For Kindle

  • 3 years ago
An ancient mystery holds the secret to curing the world...When a top-ranking European Union official is brutally murdered, world-renowned geneticist Lydia del Biondo finds herself thrust into a bitter geopolitical and ideological war - a war which has been raging silently for millennia.As a deadly coronavirus sweeps across the world, rising tensions threaten to spill over and topple entire nations. Not knowing whom to trust and time running out, Lydia is plunged against her will into an ancient mystery that could hold the key to curing the disease-ravaged world.But the artifacts and wisdom of the ancients are a closely kept secret. If Lydia wants to unravel the millennia-old mystery and stop the world from destruction, she'll need to put all of her skills to the test...If you love page-turning stories with action, ancient mysteries, and a race against time, then you won't want to miss The Jesus Christ Cypher. All of the artwork, scientific facts, and historical places and figures described are real and based on evidence. The Order is an organization that had to have its name changed, but it activates across the globe, preaching the word of Jesus. The European Union is governed by a mix of Institutions that have at their heart the European Commission, whose President is one of the most powerful political forces in the world, with her vision shaping the future of our modern civilization. The Grand Egyptian Museum is almost completed. All characters in this book are fictions, and any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. The author dedicates this book to his family, who supported his daily writing despite the problematic period of confinement, and to all COVID-19 outbreak victims, especially to the ones who still suffer the effects of this horrible virus. He hopes that humanity will learn from its mistakes and focus on the future to rebuild and avoid more suffering of the most vulnerable people. We are at a turning point in the history of our civilization, and we have the tremendous responsibility of shaping the future for our children. I hope that the scientific discoveries combined with the will to do good in this world will unite us all to have a common goal: the survival of our race and to improve our society's life quality in a sustainable way. He also dedicates this book to his two favorite authors, whose books inspired him to start writing (as waiting for their next masterpiece was sometimes too long and painful.) This eagerness pushed him to write his book in the style of Dan Brown and J.K. Rowling. "Thank you again for all the fantastic books you have written and for inspiring me to take this journey, which helped me to also pass the difficult moments of COVID-19 by quickly writing my first book after watching Dan's Masterclass."