The Long Trail is an episode of an almost forgotten anthology television series titled The Playhouse. This episode is from 1954. Starring Anthony Quinn, Robert Armstrong and Maxine Cooper. Anthony Quinn starred in some of the great classic western movies including Last Train from Gun Hill, Warlock and Man from Del Rio. This is a great half hour television episode with a bit of drama and romance. In this episode Clay Waldon is a Texas Ranger who has been on the trail of a fugitive for many months and has now tracked him to Oregon. After so long on the trail it should be easy to take this man back for trial but there are several obstacles Clay must overcome. This is episode 23 of The Forsaken Westerns, an original TV series produced by Westerns On The Web Productions. The Forsaken Westerns series contains episodes of TV shows that were never broadcast or have not been broadcast in as many as 65 years. Almost lost forever, these rare television film treasures are now being released and uploaded. The series launched March 1 of 2017 from the archive collection. This series is hosted by Bob Terry. Watch full length western movies and TV shows full episodes on the Westerns On The Web channel and make sure to subscribe.
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