Third Watch – Bosco - Within Me

  • 3 years ago
( Watch HD)

Summary - Character Study of Maurice "Bosco" Boscorelli
I wanted to try this with one of my favs on the show Bosco.
He was such a hard ass character, but he also had an innocents and vulnerability about himself.
Usually his partner is the only one who saw this side often.
He came from a broken home, Trying to look out for his little brother with an alcoholic mother, an abusive father to deal with. So a lot of times he battled with himself for balance. Specially in the line of work he did.

PS - This is my first third watch video. It's been a while since I revisited this show, but I fell in love with it again. To bad only two seasons is out on DVD, so I had to make due with what I can with quality of clips.
Not to mention 6 seasons for this show was not enough, it could of went longer. To me they still had plenty of story to tell.

I guess I will be tapping into this show time to time, but mostly ER of course.

Song - Prime Circle - Batten Down the Hatches

