Take Care of an Avocado Tree

  • 3 years ago
How to Take Care of an Avocado Tree

This video contains information that is for educational and informational purposes only.

How to Take Care of an Avocado Tree
care for a potted avocado tree, How long does it take for an avocado tree to bear fruit, Are avocado trees easy to maintain, take care of an avocado plant

In order for your avocado tree to keep producing deliciously creamy fruit you need to take care of it Fortunately taking care of an avocado tree is actually really easy to do. Make sure you water it frequently and allow the soil to dry slightly between waterings to keep the roots from rotting and to prevent harmful bacteria and organisms from growing. Use mulch to help control the moisture levels and add a nitrogen rich fertilizer if your soil needs it. When it comes to pruning avoid it if possible but make sure your tree is healthy and balanced so it wont topple over. Check the soil to make sure its dry before you add water. Scrape away a small section of mulch or compost and press your hand into the soil around the base of your avocado tree. If your hand leaves an impression then the soil is damp and doesnt need any additional water.

Add about 20 gallons 76 L of water once or twice a week fortrees. Use a bucket or a watering hose to soak the soil around the trunk of the tree. In the summer or growing season you may need to water them more frequently. Make sure the soil is fully saturated when you water your tree.

Use enough water to saturate the soil 6 15 cm deep for seedlings. Spray a hose or use a bucket to soak the soil near the trunk of the tree so its saturated deep enough down. Newly planted seedlings will need less water thantrees but they may need to be watered more frequently to keep them from drying out. Add enough water to fully saturate the soil so its damp enough to leave an impression when you press your hand into it. This will probably be about 12 gallons 3.87.6 L.

Avoid using automatic waterers or sprinklers in the winter. Avocados are highly susceptible to the cold so water them by hand in the wintertime so you can make sure the soil wont freeze. If youre expecting cold weather dont add fresh water to your avocado trees or the cold could shock the tree or kill the roots.Caring for avocados in containers is just as easy
Be patient about seeing fruit
So, Avocado Trees boast no-fuss maintenance, but proper care prepares them for a lush life

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