The unequal pandemic: Women paying a higher cost for Covid-19

FRANCE 24 English

par FRANCE 24 English

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The Covid-19 pandemic has been with us in Europe for about a year now. Early on in the health crisis, there was a lot of talk of the coronavirus being a "great leveller". We seemed to all be facing the same foe: a potentially deadly virus that didn't care if you were an ordinary citizen or a member of a royal family. But as time has gone on, differences have indeed emerged.

Men and people from certain ethnic backgrounds seem to be at greater risk of dying from the disease. And on the economic front, your age, your ethnicity and your sex have a lot to do with how hard you are hit by the turmoil that the public health restrictions have brought about: from job and income losses to extra childcare responsibilities.Ahead of International Women's Day, we're joined by two MEPs to discuss gender inequality being exacerbated by the pandemic. Produced by Mathilde Bénézet, Céline Schmitt, Isabelle Romero and Perrine DesplatsIn partnership with the European Parliament “The information and views set out in this publication reflects only the authors' view. The European Parliament is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.”

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