John Wong (The Evangelist 2018) preaches to the World in the name of Jesus Christ: The Route Map of Jehovah God from Daniel (445B.C) to Eternity (A.D.3055)

  • 3 years ago
The promise of Jehovah God from the era of prophet Daniel (445B.C.) to set up new Jerusalem, new heaven and new earth (eternity), was written in chapter 9, verses 24-27, Book of Daniel. The promise is that, after 70 years of the desolation of Jerusalem, counting from the going forth of the third commandment by Persian king, Artaxerxes, in 445B.C., each of the Seven Spirits of Jehovah God would spent `Seventy Weeks ' to accomplish the building up of New Heaven and New Earth (New Jerusalem), Eternity, in A.D.3055. That is, 445B.C.+70+(7x70)x7=A.D.3055. This is same as counting from the going forth of the third commandment by Persian king, Artaxerxes, to rebuild Jerusalem to the Second Coming of Jesus Christ in A.D.2054 and His reign of 1,000 years in Millennium Kingdom (A.D.2055-A.D.3054). That is, 445B.C.+(7x70)x5+49=A.D.2054 and 445B.C.+(50x49)+49=A.D.2054. Jesus Christ officially set up Millennium Kingdom in A.D.2055. That is, 445B.C.+(7x70)x5+50=A.D.2055 and 445B.C.+(50x50)=A.D.2055. Jesus Christ will finish His reign in A.D.3054. After that, New Heaven and New Earth (New Jerusalem) and Eternity will begin in A.D.3055. That is, 445B.C.+(7x70)x5+50+1000=A.D.3055 and 445B.C.+(50x 49)+50+1000=A.D.3055. This is same as 445B.C.+(50x50)+1000=A.D.3055 and 445B.C.+(70x50)=A.D.3055. Note that `Seventy Weeks' (years) are same as `Sabbath Seventy'. According to the statute stated in chapter 25, verses 1-13, Book of Leviticus, after 7 Sabbaths have past, the Holy Jubilee would arrive. This is analogous to after 7 Sabbaths of `Seventy Weeks' have past, New Heaven and New Earth (Eternity) will begin. New Heaven and New Earth is New Jerusalem. It accomplishes the promise of God to us.

John Wong the Evangelist (A.D.1948+70→A.D.2018) gives out speech or lectures: One section is half hour. Standard remuneration at HK$5000 per half hour or special offer at HK$50 per half hour.

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Free content of essays for reading:

1. John Wong's University of Biblical Prophecy Science (JWUBPS) Post Doctoral Degree Course website:

2. John Wong's Institute of Prediction Technology & Forensic Mathematics (JWIPT&FM) Post Doctoral Degree Course website:

3. John Wong's Prediction Technology & Forensic Mathematics (PT&FM) website:

4. Theme: How to predict Earth's great natural disaster or war?

5. The Mystery of Holy Bible: The World of Jehovah God:

6. John Wong's Thesis to the Shaw Prize Secretariat (Mathematics): How to clear up Biblical Puzzles and understand the Destiny of the World by Mathematics?