• 4 years ago
As Texas reckons with uncharacteristically frigid temperatures and snow that has wreaked havoc statewide, one woman came up with a creative workaround when frozen pipes left her with no running water in the middle of a dye job: boiling snow.

TikTok user bmoye22 posted a video on Tuesday that started with a photo of a younger woman with the text overlay, "when Texas water pipe freeze and you just dyed your hair.
She can be seen trying to turn on the faucet, but there's no running water.

In the video, which has been viewed 4.5 million times since it was posted on February 16, the person with the head full of pink dye is seen going outside to scoop snow into a pot. She proceeds to boil the snow on the stove to turn it into water and then uses it to wash away the dye.
"Yes her hair was dyed before [the water was] cut off. I mean who would [dye] their hair with no water running," the TikToker who posted the video clarified in a comment.

"Never in my years have I seen or heard of something so ridiculous yet smart before. I am highly impressed," one top comment said.
