• 4 years ago
A bizarre gold statue of former President Trump clad in sandals and waving a magic wand is currently on sale at CPAC — for anyone with a cool $100,000 to spend.

“He’s wearing a business suit because he’s a business man. The red tie represents the Republican party, the red white and blue shorts represent the fact that he’s a patriot,” the artist Tommy Zegan told. The sandals, he said, reflect how Trump was in his golden years and could be retired and “on the beach” if he wanted to.

Zegan, named the piece “Trump and his Magic Wand” and said it took him a year to create. The wand, he added, refers to an obscure Obama crack about Trump needing a “magic wand” to bring back US-based jobs.

The statue is currently on display with other Trumpy merchandise at the annual GOP confab.


