This film is narrated by Shi Mingdong, director of Yuantouzhu Scenic Area Management Office to take you to Yuantouzhu, Wuxi, a scenic resort beside Taihu Lake..Yuantouzhu was built in 1916 and has a history of more than 100 years.It lies on the northwest side of Taihu Lake.occupies the most beautiful corner of Taihu Lake.Its shape resembles a god turtle holding its head up.Yuan is one of the nine sons of dragon.Hence the name.let’s walk into Yuantouzhu.
This film is narrated by Shi Mingdong, director of Yuantouzhu Scenic Area Management Office to take you to Yuantouzhu, Wuxi, a scenic resort beside Taihu Lake..Yuantouzhu was built in 1916 and has a history of more than 100 years.It lies on the northwest side of Taihu Lake.occupies the most beautiful corner of Taihu Lake.Its shape resembles a god turtle holding its head up.Yuan is one of the nine sons of dragon.Hence the name.let’s walk into Yuantouzhu.