• 4 years ago
It’s not because your classes have been cancelled or that your work activity has been reduced that you should put your brain at rest.
Keep learning, it’s amazing all the knowledge and skills we can learn from the internet.
Take that time home to declutter, clean and donate things you don’t use anymore.
This is generally the type of things we never take the time to do so doing this during lockdown makes perfect sense.
This is the opportunity to get creative and get a new hobby.
There are plenty of things you can do like DIY, gardening, painting, photography… the list goes on and on.
Learn how to cook. Now that you have time, cook fine, elaborating or even exotic meals.
Now that you have time, there's no excuses for take away anymore.
Lockdown can also be the perfect time to maybe start a discussion group or a blog to share your thoughts on the situation or maybe giving tips on how to get through it.