Protests over arrest of Pablo Hasel end in clashes

  • 3 years ago
Protests over the arrest of rapper Pablo Hasel ended in riots, after
police stormed the University of Lleida and arrested Hasel.
The rapper and some supporters had barricaded themselves inside the building to protest his jail sentence.
W/S Officers arresting rapper Pablo Hasel who shouts (Catalan): "They will never, never stop us, we will fight until victory always. This fascist state will not stop us."
Following a court ruling, Hasel faces a nine-month jail term for publishing ‘tweets with videos that incited violence’.
The magistrate decided he also 'exalted terrorism and humiliated the Crown and other state institutions’.
Some demonstrators set fire to containers and a group of protesters attacked a bank.
Clashes also broke out in other cities such as Girona, Vic, and Lleida.
At least two protesters were arrested in Barcelona, four in Vic, and eight in Lleida, according to the police.


