Insight Movie (2021) Trailer HD - Plot synopsis: Jian (Ken Zheng) a martial artist who possesses clairvoyance investigates the death of his brother with the help of LA Detective Abby (Madeline Zima). Together they sought justice while fighting against a high-tech criminal.
Director Livi Zheng, Ken Zheng
Writers Ken Zheng
Actors Ken Zheng, Madeline Zima, Sean Patrick Flanery, John Savage, Adam Huss, Tony Todd, Keith David
Genre Drama, Thriller, Science Fiction
Run Time1 hour 20 minutes
Director Livi Zheng, Ken Zheng
Writers Ken Zheng
Actors Ken Zheng, Madeline Zima, Sean Patrick Flanery, John Savage, Adam Huss, Tony Todd, Keith David
Genre Drama, Thriller, Science Fiction
Run Time1 hour 20 minutes
Short film