• il y a 3 ans
Pendant la répétition de la première séquence du film, Jérôme se rend compte que c’est encore la même chose : on lui a proposé un nanar. Ce comédien star enchaîne depuis quelques années les mauvais films et perd pied dans sa carrière. Leslie, jeune comédienne encore inconnue, va tenter de lui redonner le goût du jeu. "Une scène, deux films, deux points de vue"
Découvrez le point de vue de l'équipe mise en scène sur la même scène réalisée par Simon Pierrat et Pierre-Marie Charbonnier dans "Baisser les potards".
00:00Take it up a notch
00:03They passed down their dialect to me.
00:09We’re gonna take a break.
00:11Would it be too much to ask for some feedbacks on the acting?
00:14Great, Jérôme, nice emotion.
00:16And was I good?
00:17Yeah, yeah…
00:19Well, it’s a real pleasure to work with you.
00:22Seriously, what is this shitty sequence?
00:24Oh, you didn’t know it was a science-fictional drama
00:26between inter-species’ rights and ecology?
00:27I asked my son what it meant,
00:29but he answered “Ok, Boomer”.
00:31Sorry, but with all due respect,
00:33what is Jérôme Cap doing here,
00:36in a movie that bad?
00:37Come on, it’s been five years that I’ve only appeared in duds,
00:40but everybody tells me I’m great
00:42and it’s an honour to work with me, but nothing on my acting.
00:45Ah, Sir, Jérôme, it’s a real honour to work with you.
00:49We haven’t done anything yet.
00:50Yes, yes, really great...
00:57Ok, if it’s going to be a bad film, let’s make it really bad, shall we?
01:01They chose you for your renown and not for your acting.
01:04Fine, we will make them direct you!
01:08You know, sometimes you have to take it up a notch.
01:26They will see what is a magnificent dud.
01:28Straight to VOD on your son’s computer.
01:36What’s the point of living in a world ruled by fish?
01:39It makes me seasick on land.
01:41Dolphins are mammals and they rule the world,
01:45that’s the way it is, Sylvie.
01:47What is your problem, Joseph?
01:48Do you think I didn’t notice the mark on your neck?
01:51I told you, I fell on an urchin.
01:55Yes, I did it,
01:57and we didn’t just have sex,
01:59they passed down their dialect to me.
02:03The dolphin arrives.
02:04Oh shit, he’s coming!
02:06Heavens, her boyfriend…
02:07I mean her dolphin friend.
02:08We’re fucked.
02:14It was really bad, Jérôme.
02:16Thank you.
02:18[Take it up a notch]
