All you wanted to know about BPPV

  • 3 years ago
#vertigo #bppv #hubetabibi

Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV) is the most common cause of vertigo, the sensation of spinning or swaying. It causes a sudden sensation of spinning, or like your head is spinning from the inside.

You can have brief periods of mild or intense dizziness if you have BPV. Changing the position of your head can trigger an episode. Other actions that can trigger an episode of BPV include:

tilting your head up or down
lying down
turning over
getting up
BPV can be uncomfortable, but it’s rarely serious except when dizziness causes someone to fall.

BPPV is the result of a disturbance inside your inner ear. The semicircular canals, or the tubes inside your ears, contain fluid that moves when you change your body’s position. The semicircular canals are extremely sensitive.

BPV develops when small crystals of calcium carbonate that are normally in another area of the ear break free and enter the semicircular canals. It can also happen when these crystals form inside the semicircular canals. This causes your brain to receive confusing messages about your body’s position.

