Top 15 Common Dreams and Their Meanings

  • 3 years ago
Take a look at the most common dreams and their meanings. Dreams consist of a combination of thoughts, images, and emotions; and the events we have during sleep may have bizarre contexts in our subconscious. According to experts, the meaning of dreams are reflections of who we are, our needs and beliefs. They may reflect and signify actual events in our waking lives.

You may recognize that there is a connection between the dream world and the real world. But, what do dreams mean and how can we interpret dreams? Interpreting dream meanings takes time and practice. Keeping a dream journal to record dream symbols is helpful. Especially if you tend to forget what you dreamed about. Write down your dreams in as much detail as possible, as soon as you wake up. Remember, most dream symbols are metaphors. So it’s up to our conscious mind to decode what they could mean.

Also, keep in mind that not all dream images and symbols will apply to us the same way. Interpretations can vary, depending on the current situation of the dreamer. Start by referring back to the 15 most common dreams and their meanings outlined in this video. For a more detailed dream analysis, you can also check a particular dream symbol’s meaning in a dream dictionary. Then, identify your personal attachment to each symbol and your current life circumstances.


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