The Deadliest Animal In The World. 07 Facts About Mosquito

  • 3 years ago
The Deadliest Animal In The World. 07 Facts About Mosquito.

1. These Tiny Insects Kill More Than 700,000 People Every Year.

2. There Are 3000 Species Of Their Kind Around The World.

3. There Are As Old As Dinosaurs, Triassic Period Which Are Between 251 & 199 Million Years Ago.

4. They Can Learn And Remember What Their Hosts Smell Like.

5. They Won't Fly More Than 25 Feet and Only Weigh About 2.5 Milligrams.

6. Only Female Mosquitoes Bite Humans, They Need Blood To Lay Eggs.

7. Male Mosquitoes Exclusively Feed On Nectar, They Die Before Female Mosquitoes.