• 4 years ago
THE ASTROLOGY OF PANDEMICS Documentary movie (2021) Trailer HD - The Astrology of Pandemics is a new film on the astrology of both COVID-19 and previous pandemics.

Can astrology help us understand the current pandemic and assist us in preparing for future outbreaks? Renowned astrologer André Barbault predicted the 2020 pandemic, using planetary cycles, back in 2011.

Based on astrology, The Astrology of Pandemics also provides a glimpse of the near future, of what our post-COVID society might look like.

The Astrology of Pandemics examines astronomical data to show the correlations between celestial phenomena and pandemics. Its aim is to help in the prediction of future health crises while changing how the public views astrology: from a pseudoscience to a more scientific discipline.

“It’s astonishing to see that there is a correspondence between three specific planets of our solar system, eclipses and pandemics.” says Nicholas Snyder, the director and producer of The Astrology of Pandemics.

“Astrology has been underrated for many years, but this will hopefully change soon, as it can be a very useful and precise tool when it comes to predicting pandemics. It can therefore help us be more prepared for future global health crises.”

The Astrology of Pandemics will be available on VOD Feb 19 and on Amazon Prime March 1.
