Leeds PHP - January 2021

  • 3 years ago
We're a group of PHP developers based in Leeds and the surrounding area. We meet up once a month to discuss PHP, the web, and related tech.

★ The talks

✩ Testing In The Real World - Christopher Miller (@ccmiller2018)

How we use PHPUnit and TDD in aweder to make our lives easer. Covering how to set up tests, what the tests look like, and what to do if a test fails when you don't expect it to.

✩ Git Reset --hard Your Fears - Zvonimir Spajic (@konrad_126)

Many developers fear the reset command because of its reputation for being dangerous. While it is true that it can be dangerous and cause you to lose your changes like tears in the rain, as it is with many fears, it's mostly based on a lack of understanding. So let's give your fear of the reset command an antidote - a proper understanding of how git reset works

We'll be using Big Orange Heart's (https://www.bigorangeheart.org/) event platform for this event. This is available to everyone who is RSVP'd at https://live.bigorangeheart.org/.