While escaping from her evil stepmother, Snow White is reunited with Molly, her old, blind nanny, who is very much loved by the village children. Snow White and her friends decide to make a hideaway so that the children can play in secret, but, unfortunately, the soldiers recognize Samson the hunter…. Snow White meets a delightful little girl named Mary who comes from a distant land where the war has destroyed everything including her house. She has been separated from her parents, and doesn't know what happened to them. Snow White is overcome by the little girl's story and, after taking her to meet Molly, she invites her, along with Woody and Jolly's consent, to play with them in the hideaway. And so, Mary makes friends with the other children and looks up to Snow White as an older sister. Meanwhile, worried about the war and about reports that King Conrad has been wounded in battle, prince Richard arrives at the castle to consult with the Queen and Snow White, but when he finds no sign of the girl he loves...
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