Little Boy Gets Excited After Receiving Film Merchandise Lego Set As Gift

  • 3 years ago
This little boy got excited after receiving a film merchandise lego set as a present. The boy had been a part of a video wherein he had reacted to his parents giving the news of a new baby joining his family. The video's rights had been purchased which had allowed the boy's parents to gift him an expensive lego set. He was really excited to receive this gift.
00:00 Do you know what that is?
00:02 No.
00:04 It's a check from Jukin Video.
00:08 Jukin Media.
00:10 Do you remember what happened last year?
00:13 On Christmas?
00:15 Daddy and I surprised you guys.
00:18 Oh yeah, Lily.
00:19 With Lily, the announcement that we were expecting.
00:22 And remember how excited you were?
00:24 Yeah.
00:25 Because you couldn't wait to have another baby in the family?
00:28 Mm-hmm.
00:29 Well, remember I took that video and I thought it was so special.
00:32 Because you were so excited.
00:36 Mm-hmm.
00:37 And other people thought it was special too.
00:40 So, Jukin Media was so thoughtful and great.
00:46 And they decided to buy the rights to our video.
00:50 And when they bought the rights to our video,
00:53 they use it and you can get money for using our video.
01:00 So, that is a check for $100.
01:04 Because someone bought the rights to our video.
01:08 Because, really because of your reaction.
01:11 How special your reaction was.
01:14 Because you were so excited that we were going to have another baby.
01:19 Mm-hmm.
01:20 And because of that, someone bought the rights to our video.
01:25 And gave us $100.
01:27 So, that check right there let us afford a very special gift for you.
01:34 This is not a Christmas present.
01:36 This is a gift because of Jukin Media.
01:39 [Jukin meows]
01:40 You want to see it?
01:43 Yeah.
01:44 It's under those blankets.
01:46 [Jukin meows]
02:03 This was very expensive and we couldn't have afforded it.
02:06 [Jukin meows]
02:14 Wow!
02:16 Are you excited?
02:18 I can't believe this!
02:22 Are you happy?
02:24 I'm more than happy.
02:26 This is so awesome!
02:29 Wow!
02:30 Thanks, Jukin Media.
02:32 Thanks, Jukin Media.
02:34 Wow.
02:35 Merry Christmas.
