Dr. Fauci Admits Working in Trump Administration Was ‘Somewhat Awkward’

  • 3 years ago
Dr. Fauci Admits Working in
Trump Administration Was
‘Somewhat Awkward’ .
Dr. Anthony Fauci recently
spoke to the ‘Harvard Business
Review’ about what it was like to
work under Donald Trump.
According to Fauci, it was
“somewhat awkward” serving
in the Trump administration.
Fauci and Trump regularly butted heads
on policies pertaining to COVID-19, something
Fauci said he took “no pleasure in.” .
It's not a happy day when you have
to get up in front of national TV and
contradict something that the president
of the United States says … I take no
pleasure in that at all, Dr. Anthony Fauci, to 'Harvard Business Review'.
Fauci found it “particularly problematic”
when Trump would downplay
the severity of the virus. .
That would often put me in
direct conflict — not emotional
conflict, but factual conflict —
with what the president might
say … So obviously that has
not been an easy thing to do, Dr. Anthony Fauci, to 'Harvard Business Review'.
In December, Biden asked Fauci to stay on board
as the leader of the coronavirus task force team
and become his chief medical adviser.
Fauci reportedly accepted the
offer “right on the spot.”
