Are You Really A Citizen? When You Have No Rights? | Liberty Bites Back | Ep. 2



Are you really a citizen? When you have no rights? A good starting point to discuss this is the grey zones of rights for people in the territories of the USA. Balzac vs. Porto Rico shows a big issue in rights for the citizens in our territories.

Even here in the homeland- the main 50 states though. We still have many issues as well. During Covid-19 we have seen the Supreme Court rule against the 1st Amendment- all because of Mayors' & Governors' Edicts.

We are seeing the Intolerable Edicts rule over us. We already had the 21st Century Intolerable Acts against us- The USA PATRIOT ACT, FISA, & NDAA. How can we restore the Republic & return to Normalcy?

With the COVID-19 Edicts in place, we are also now seeing elitist Politicians living the life of Kings & Queens making decrees and pushing them; but when it comes to them following those rules- they might as well say "Rules For Thee, But Not For Me!"

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