• 4 years ago
This cat, Sprinkles, got rescued by their foster-parent after being stuck between window panes. The cat was trying to escape out of the window but had gotten stuck between the two window panes. When the foster-parent arrived at the scene, they opened the window partition to let her out, and thankfully, she wasn't hurt.

*The underlying music rights are not available for license. For use of the video with the track(s) contained therein, please contact the music publisher(s) or relevant rightsholder(s).
00:00 [Dramatic music]
00:02 Okay, now this cat, Sprinkle, has got herself caught in the window.
00:13 Okay?
00:16 I'm a little bit worried. If I take off this pain, then you'll be able to get out.
00:21 Okay?
00:26 My goodness me.
00:30 Okay, we just opened.
00:32 So you let the cat out.
00:35 I open the window more.
00:38 And we've got fly mesh there.
00:41 And we let the cat out by opening the window more.
00:45 And then I've now locked it to make sure the cat can't get back out through there.
00:50 And that's our cat down there, isn't it?
00:53 This one here, Squeezed, I know.
00:57 I know, you poor thing.
00:59 I'm glad you're okay.
