सुख की परिभाषा

  • 3 years ago
What is real happiness? Permanent bliss?
Pujya Niruma says that happiness is very subjective. What may bring happiness to one person, may not be bring happiness to any other. All this is relative happiness. Such relative happiness is dependent on something external. And such a state is not permanent either. It all depends on the belief of the person.
The real happiness and bliss lies in the Soul. It brings peace and is permanent. It is a very high state of being, very close to the path of Moksha. Such joy is serene, which does not get disturbed by external forces. Such happiness is a natural characteristic of the Soul.

Visit this webpage to know more:

In English: https://www.dadabhagwan.org/discover-happiness/

In Hindi: https://hindi.dadabhagwan.org/discover-happiness/

In Gujarati: https://www.dadabhagwan.in/discover-happiness/