Things God Told Me To Say | To Laodicea

  • 4 years ago
This is something that was given to me to say. At the time, I was exceptionally vexed with the repeat patterns of sin that I was seeing from confessing followers of Jesus. People continue in their search for lucre and have no want for things He said to purchase from Him in Revelation. They do not care to seek Him with their hearts. After seeing how angry and upset this was making me for God, I can’t imagine how He must feel every second of every day about these things—the One Who Sees All! How grateful we should all be that He does not completely destroy us.


“Laodicea, you are a lazy generation! You cannot seek to discern yourself?

Everyone of you pollutes himself with abominations daily. Your ears and eyes should be plucked out and cut off for they have become useless because of the damage you have wrought on them from constant pollution!

Yet you don’t even give time to consider truth?

Because you refuse to hear it or to see it!

You seek your infant milk from these apostates, these pharisees, where there is no anointing, these workers of iniquity; these people who have denied true followers of Jesus, who have exploited the sheep!

You have all fallen away.

You are all blasphemers who seek not the truth, who want not the truth.You are all liars and followers of lucre!

When you are told that this world is evil, you think “how can this world possibly be so” when The Lord of All told you it was so from ancient times! You are blind! You cannot see!

The light of the world is brighter and the dark is darker than the delusion that you have embraced! Things are not always made known at first; you need to anoint your eyes with salve and wake up from your sinful slumber. You follow after all these things that are completely worthless. They are all wind. They are all nothing. When The Lord spoke to you, you did not harken. You ignored Him and became trapped in your slavery.

You are all slaves to Babylon. And you will be consumed to death. Saying “what is this that comes to us” and wonder at it.

I am angry for the Lord at these people that honor Him with their lips but follow lucre!

You are all speaking of the promises to come to His people but you refuse to see the danger that is about to consume you in your transgression! You all live in denial; you have no fear of the Lord!

God of Heaven and Earth, hear my supplication. Make these people see the truth of their wantonness. Rip the blackness from their eyes and allow them to see the foundations you have laid. Help them to see their utter folly and blasphemy. Make plain their vanity and Your Glory.

How long until the King of Kings returns?”


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