Things God Told Me To Say | To Israel

  • 3 years ago
God has never stopped loving Israel, the people that He made to be separated unto Himself. He is always going to have something to say to His people as a nation of people, and as you can see here, He is still speaking. He is calling His people to turn away from idolatry and to follow after him earnestly. He is for his people Israel, those scattered over the whole earth.

Most confessing followers of Jesus do not even recognize how and when they are committing idolatry. I implore each one of us to scrutinize what we are doing and ask God if it really is what He wants for us and if it aligns with His words.


“Thus saith the Lord, The Most High:

Oh Israel! How I have been with you from your youth from when I called you! I spoke with you in secret places and told you the things that would come after. But you still went whoring after strange gods and settled there, in My name did you commit yourself to another. Your strange gods gave you poison scraps to eat, your clothing became tattered and stained—it fit you not as the glory which I had made you. Your strange gods gave you no bed to rest in and put you in low places. You had no house to make pleasing—you lived in filth amongst creeping things in strange places. You worked to bring forth fruit; but the glory of the fruit of your hands was stolen and discarded until you worked for it no longer. Your strange gods raped you, cherished you not, and stole life away from you. Your silver became dross and the shining silver and pearls that I dressed you with were cast away from you.

And the lover you settled with hated you in his jealousy, stood accusing you, as he hated all women. You gave him your hand, and your glory left you. He caused you to run away to hide and the other nations saw you not. He cast you aside to die and neither loved you with your wounds nor healed you; he gave you neither ointment nor comfort. He made your children to hate you, like unto how he had hated you from the beginning; your sons hated your instruction and your daughters lived in hopelessness; your children found no rest in their dirty beds. You longed for gifts, love, and peace, but these things did your lover not give unto you. You met your lover with supplications, but he cared not and lent not his ear to you.

But do I not love you?

Have I not extended My Hand to you and shown you My promises?

Will I not heal the wounds of My beloved who turns to Me and hears My voice? Will I not hearken to Israel who brings forth fruit and works to show My glory? An Israel who seeks My face, My commandments, and the ways to worship Me? An Israel that seeks My counsel continuously? Yea, I will clothe you in fine linens. I will make you full with milk and honey. I will give you a pleasing bed to rest in and will shower you with gifts. I will give to you a clean bed, undefiled. I will build for you as ships of Tyre that will reach to the ends of the earth; I will make you fishers in abundance...