WHERE THE ROAD RUNS OUT Movie Trailer HD - Plot synopsis: George, a scientist living in Rotterdam is growing wary of the world of academia. The sudden death of an old friend is the incentive he needs to return to his African roots where he takes over a dilapidated field station in the jungle of Equatorial Guinea. There he meets an orphan boy with a sunny disposition who opens George's wary eyes to this colorful place. The boy plays matchmaker between George and the lady who runs the local orphanage and all seems rosy until an old friend of George's shows up out of nowhere to throw their lives into disarray as George discovers there are many obstacles on the road to redemption and a few more where the road runs out.
Director: Rudolf Buitendach
Writers: David Hughes, Robert Mann, Krystle Stok
Starring Isaach De Bankolé, Juliet Landau, Stelio Savante, Sizo Motsoko
Filmed in Equatorial Guinea, The Netherlands, and South Africa.
Director: Rudolf Buitendach
Writers: David Hughes, Robert Mann, Krystle Stok
Starring Isaach De Bankolé, Juliet Landau, Stelio Savante, Sizo Motsoko
Filmed in Equatorial Guinea, The Netherlands, and South Africa.
Short film