Be a part of honey bee’s life adventures. Collect honey & fill hive with honey.
Ever been curious about the world of honey bees? Life of honey bees and their daily adventures? How do they make honey collecting nectar from flowers? Let’s take a closer look with this amazing game Bee’s Life – A Honey Bee Adventures.
This interactive game is basically a concept of bee farming, collecting honey, nectar collecting, guiding them to the hive, protecting hive from spiders and much more. It’s a game based on a honey bee’s life with 7 different gameplay levels.
(1) Bee Farming
(2) Nectar Hunt
(3) Defend Hive
(4) Repair Hive
(5) Buzzy Bee
(6) Bee Maze
(7) Fill Honey
Ever been curious about the world of honey bees? Life of honey bees and their daily adventures? How do they make honey collecting nectar from flowers? Let’s take a closer look with this amazing game Bee’s Life – A Honey Bee Adventures.
This interactive game is basically a concept of bee farming, collecting honey, nectar collecting, guiding them to the hive, protecting hive from spiders and much more. It’s a game based on a honey bee’s life with 7 different gameplay levels.
(1) Bee Farming
(2) Nectar Hunt
(3) Defend Hive
(4) Repair Hive
(5) Buzzy Bee
(6) Bee Maze
(7) Fill Honey