• 4 years ago
Sound is made up of vibrations, or sound waves, that we can hear. These sound waves are formed by objects vibrating (shaking back and forth). Sound waves travel through air, water, and solid objects as vibrations.
Sounds are made when objects vibrate. The vibration makes the air around the object vibrate and the air vibrations enter your ear. You hear them as sounds. You cannot always see the vibrations, but if something is making a sound, some part of it is always vibrating.
Sound is caused by the simple but rapid mechanical vibrations of various elastic bodies. These when moved or struck so as to vibrate, communicate the same kind of vibrations to the auditory nerve of the ear, and are then appreciated by the mind.
Sound is a type of energy made by vibrations. These vibrations create sound waves which move through mediums such as air, water and wood. When an object vibrates, it causes movement in the particles of the medium. This movement is called sound waves, and it keeps going until the particles run out of energy.

kanakclasses, KANAKCLASSES, DAV SCHOOL, D.A.V. SCHOOL, BOOK, EXERCISE, LESSON, INTRODUCTION ABOUT SOUND, SOUND, MEDIUM, VIBRATION, BASIC CAUSE OF SOUND PRODUCTIO, SOUND PRODUCTION IN ANIMALS, SOUND PRODUCTION IN ANIMALS, SOUND PRODUCTION IN INSECTS AND FROG, CLASS 8 PHYSICS, CLASS 9 PHYSICS, basic cause of sound, vibration, sound needs medium to propagate, speed of light is more than sound, lightening appears first than thundering, parts of a human ear,