EU Fights Hate Speech With Upcoming Digital Services Act

  • 4 years ago
The EU is working on a new ledger of legislation to combat "hate speech." By the end of this week they are expected to present a "Digital Services Act" that is posing potential penalties for non-compliance of something between 6-10% of a company's turnover. This should concern all of us, no matter where we live, because the clout of the EU market will shape the behaviour of Big Tech everywhere. Additionally, President of the EU Commission Ursula von der Leyen is starting a "Transatlantic AI Agreement," hoping to reign in the dark magic of AI-driven search results and recommendation systems. Artificial Intelligence is the part of the already highly manipulated algorithms that will always remain a black box for purely technological reasons. The mere idea that there is a something that the EU cannot control is driving the Eurocrats absolutely BONKERS. Ursula von der Leyen has repeatedly stated that she wants Artificial Intelligence and the removal of black boxes from algorithms at the same time. She lacks the knowledge und the humbleness to listen to qualified people to deal with the technological issues she tries to mess with. Hoping that you spread my content as far as possible on as many platforms as possible, I will only say, and say it loud and proud, that this has nothing to do with her gender or Islam.

