1970 - Oliver Nelson - Self-Help is Needed

  • il y a 15 ans
Oliver Nelson & the Berlin Dream Band à Berlin en 1970

Self-Help is Needed
Soliste: Leo Wright (as)

Trumpets: Milo Pavlovic (Yugoslavia), Ron Simmonds (Canada), Carmell Jones (USA), Manfred Stoppacher (Austria), Harry Samp (Germany).
Trombones: Ake Persson (Sweden), Barry Ross (USA), Slide Hampton (USA), Jean Orieux (France), Kurt Masnick (Germany).
Saxes: Leo Wright (USA), Klaus Marmulla (Germany), Rolf Roemer (Germany), Adi Feurstein Germany), Freddy Lhost (Belgium) Jan Konopasek (Czechoslovakia).
Piano: Kai Rautenberg; bass: Hajo Lange; drums: Heinz Niemeyer (all German), and drums: Dai Bowen (Wales).

