This Is the Year to Invest in a Deep Fryer for All Those Hanukkah Treats

  • 4 years ago
You have to love a holiday devoted to fried foods, and Hanukkah is all about those fried, crispy, crunchy treats. .So here are some tips for choosing and using a deep fryer to produce those golden delicious delicacies:.When it comes to buying a deep fryer, always select one with large capacity versus small.Yes, you will use more oil to fill it, but it is so much easier to not have to do foods in tiny batches.Always use an oil with a high-smoke-point, like canola or peanut oil.You should never fry in extra virgin olive oil or other expensive oils.You can reuse oil a couple of times as long as you strain it and store it properly in a sealed container.But be aware that foods like fish will leave flavors in your oil that will transfer