CandoCo, David Toole

  • il y a 16 ans
David Toole, danseur sans jambes, poursuit une carrière internationale. Avec CandoCo, compagnie de danse anglaise, il apparaît dans « Outside In » une chorégraphie filmée de Victoria Marks
David Toole, dancer without leg in CandoCo Dance Company, « Outside In » choreographed by Victoria Marks, MJW, for the 1993 BBC series Dance for the Camera. This company combines theatre, dance and choreography.
andoCo has a large international experience on stage and has produced a very presentable video-clip : Outside In. One of the actors, David Toole, dances only with the help of his hands and is one of the most amazing and talented performers in Europe. The company offers sessions to undergraduate and post-graduate courses, master classes to professional dancers and in-service training to teachers of dance, the performing arts and physical education.
