Quest for Suki Movie - Official Trailer - Plot synopsis: The story of 22-year-old Julius Plum on his quest to avoid three things: a mysterious man in a suit trying to kill him, being thrown into prison for a crime he didn't commit, and most importantly, the self-realization that he might be a complete fool. Julius lives in a larger-than-life New Mexico, where 70 years ago the bitter War of New Mexico almost destroyed the Southwest, and as a result, everything today is a bit... stranger. A local museum proudly claims to hold 'The Bluest Painting in the World.' Caffeinated Malt Beverages are still legal. Brain-eating amoebas are harvested in glowing syringes. And a sinister plot is out to ruin Julius' life for no good reason. Sometimes life is just absurd.
Coming soon January 2021 to DVD and Digital.
Coming soon January 2021 to DVD and Digital.
Short film