Full version Connecticut Medical Malpractice Law 2013/14 Supplement For Free

  • 4 years ago
Since the publication of Connecticut Medical Malpractice in the spring of 2007 and its first supplement two years later in 2009, there have been significant additional developments in the law of medical malpractice in Connecticut. To recount these additional changes over approximately the last three and a half years, we have recently published a new and cumulative 2013/2014 supplement.Among the additional developments in the law since the time of the first supplement are approximately six new statutory provisions governing medical malpractice, 26 new trial court decisions, 26 appellate level decisions and 16 articles in secondary sources. In addition, there have been so many new trial and appellate level decisions relating to the "opinion letter" requirement of General Statutes ? 52-190a, that an entirely new chapter has been written on that subject.The 2013/14 supplement is cumulative. It builds on and replaces the original 2009/2010 supplement. With the inclusion of the recent developments noted above, the 2013/14 cumulative supplement expands upon the original book by approximately 126 trial level cases (not including those dealing with opinion letters), 56 appellate level cases, numerous additional statutory provisions and many articles in Connecticut-based secondary sources.