COVID-19 likely in U.S. before its official recognition of the first case

  • 4 years ago
CDC "작년 중국 코로나19 발표 전 미국 내 확진자 있었다"

COVID-19 could have been in the U.S. well before the country's first reported case and even before it was officially identified in China.
On Monday, scientists from various U.S. institutions including the CDC, published a study based on blood samples collected by the American Red Cross from nine states.
From there, 106 samples collected between December 13th and January 17th showed evidence of the virus.
This is a few weeks earlier than the first case reported from Wuhan, China, where scientists believe the virus originated.
The first time the U.S. officially reported a case was January 19th.
The results suggest that the virus had been spreading around the world before it was officially identified.