Robotic Sleeve Gastrectomy for Morbid Obesity Patient performed by Dr.S.C Hirides MD MSc PhD FACS 2018


με mednotes2001

36 προβολές
16-2-2018 : daVinci Robotic Sleeve Gastrectomy to a 34-year patient with BMI 41 with hypertension, borderline glucose tolerance, hyperlipidemia, knee pains, and sleep apnea.

Laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy is nowadays the most popular bariatric operation around the world. It resulted as a simplification of an older bypass procedure which included sleeve as the first phase of the operation. During sleeve gastrectomy, the left part of the stomach responsible for secretion of appetite-stimulating hormone Ghrelin, is removed and the stomach is transformed to a long tube capable to store no more than 100 – 150 cc of ingested food. Sleeve has also been found to promote gastric emptying and exert hormonal effects to the gut and gut microbes. Patient is expected to lose appetite, but also receive a strong satiety stimulus from significantly less quantity of food.