Full version America Votes!: Challenges to Modern Election Law and Voting Rights For Kindle

  • 4 years ago
Watergate brought us the modern era of campaign finance regulation. Government by the consent of the governed has become government by the consent of the rich. After Citizens United, dark money has become the currency for political engagement. At the same time, the Supreme Court in Selby County ushered in a return to limits on access to registration and voting. The Supreme Court also continues to struggle to define unconstitutional gerrymandering America Votes!, Fourth Edition confronts these issues. The authors challenge us to think of a political system in new ways with a focus on our founders' goal of a more perfect union. This book is a must-read for anyone concerned about our political future.America Votes!, Fourth Edition addresses important electoral issues, including: - Voter qualifications, registration, immigration and citizenship, language minority participation, and Native American voting;- The voting process, early voting, same day registration, cybersecurity threats, campaign finance pitfalls, and Maine's experiment with ranked-choice voting;- Voting rights litigation, section 2 of the Voting Rights Act, criminal enforcement, the impact of Shelby County and legislation to reform the voting process;- Recounts and audits and the legacy of Gore v. Bush; and- Redistricting equal protection and fair districts math and partisan gerrymandering.
